
 Fees and Rebates for Psychologists


The psychologists at Regional & Rural Mental Health Services believe that better mental health should be available to every Australian, irrespective of financial resources. In order to help as many people as possible our service fees are designed to fit the individual circumstances of each client. This requires us to vary our service fees depending on the funding pathways available to each client.   

There are a number of ways to receive funding, or partial reimbursement, for the cost of seeing a psychologist or clinical psychologist regarding mental health issues. These include: 

  • Medicare

  • NDIS

  • Work Cover

  • DVA

  • Private Health Insurance




Medicare provides rebates for psychological services through the Better Access to Mental Health Care and Chronic Disease Management Initiatives. To access rebates through the Better Access to Mental Health Care Initiative you will need a current GP Mental Health Treatment Plan which can be obtained through, you guessed it, your general practitioner. This will allow you to claim up to 10 sessions per the calendar year and is currently the best way of obtaining a rebate for psychology visits. You can use the Chronic Disease Management Initiative for seeing a Psychologist. However, the rebate is much lower. Medicare rebates can also be accessed for psychological services with a current psychiatrist or paediatrician’s referral to our psychology practice.

Reports and Letters

There are no Medicare rebates available for psychological reports and letters. For more information regarding our fees for psychological reports and letters please visit our Private Billing Fee Schedule page.

If you are experiencing financial hardship and require a psychological report or letter, please contact our practice manager to discuss payment options.



National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)

The NDIS is now up and running in the Toowoomba Region. We provide psychological services to eligible NDIS Participants that have psychological therapy and/or assessment included in their NDIS Plan. Our psychologists are able to offer the following services to our NDIS clients:

  • Psychological Therapy

  • Psychological Assessment including:

o   Functional Assessments

o   DSM V Assessments

o   Assessments for Exploring Housing Options Packages (EHOP)

o   Cognitive Assessments

  • Early Childhood Supports 

There are no out of pocket expenses for seeing a psychologist using your NDIS funding at our psychology practice. We accept NDIS participants that are:

  • Plan Managed

  • Self-Managed 

Once you have decided how much of your NDIS funding you wish to allocate towards your psychological services, all you will need to do is sign an NDIS Service Agreement and you’re good to go.


Psychologist Fee Schedules